How to register a local company in Tanzania using BRELA ORS?

A 2024 guide for registering a local company in Tanzania using BRELA online registration system (BRELA ORS).

INTRODUCTION: The procedures to register a company in Tanzania differs between a local company and a foreign company. This article is specific for registering a local company in Tanzania using BRELA ORS. NB: We offer business consultancy services and we can help you to register a company in Tanzania. Click here to contact us.

1. Collect required information

Shareholders of the new company must have National Identification Number (NIN) from NIDA. Directors must have National Identification Number (NIN) from NIDA and Tax payer Identification Number (TIN) from TRA. Non citizens must have passport number and copies from their respective countries.

NB: Before starting the registration make sure that you have compiled the following information:

Company Information:
Company Name: (The Company Name has to be unique. If you provide a company name that is similar to a registered company then your application will be returned to you for rectification.)
P. O. Box:
Email address:
Phone number:
Business Activities according to ISIC Activity Codes: Learn more about ISIC Activity Codes adopted by BRELA.
Number of shares:
Price per share:
Office location: (Region, District, Ward, Street, Block number, Plot number, and House number if the office location is surveyed.
Region, District, Ward, Place and a nearby landmark preferably a popular place like school, government office, bank bank, bus stand, hospital, etc. if the office location is un-surveyed.)

Information of each Director & Shareholder:
Full Name: (First Name, Middle Name and Last Name).
Nida Number: (Foreign Directors will need to provide passport numbers and certified copies of their passports.)
Date of Birth:
TIN number: (Ensure that name of the Director in the NIDA card is similar to his/her name in the TIN certificate. If they differ then the Director will need to go to TRA to rectify the discrepancies. Foreign Directors don’t need to have TIN numbers.)

Email Address: email address of one director should not be similar to email address of another director.
Phone Number:
P. O. Box: (Foreign Directors don’t need P. O. Box. They will need to provide their foreign residential address and Zip Code.)
Number of Shares Subscribed to:
Residential Address of Local Director: (Region, District, Ward, Street, Block number, Plot number, and House number if the office location is surveyed.
Region, District, Ward, Place and a nearby landmark preferably a popular place like school, government office, bank bank, bus stand, hospital, etc. if the office location is un-surveyed.)
Residential Address of a Foreign Director: (Country, City, Zip code, Street, Area name, Area specific details including block number, plot number and house number if any)

2. Navigate to BRELA’s ORS url

Open your browser and navigate to

How to Register a Company in Tanzania - Step 1 - Navigate to BRELA ORS

3. Click on “E-services for registered users”

Click second option from the top, i.e. E-services for registered users

How to Register a Company in Tanzania - Step 2 - Click E-services for registered users

4. Sign in to BRELA Online Registration System (ORS)

Input your username and password and click sign in.

How to Register a Company in Tanzania - Step 3 - Login to BRELA ORS

5. Click new e-service to proceed

Click new e-service button. It’s the yellow button.

How to Register a Company in Tanzania - Step 4 - Click New Ee-service

6. Click Company

Select company to tell the system that you want to register a company.

How to Register a Company in Tanzania - Step 5 - Click Company

7. Select Registration of a new company

You have five options, to reserve a company name, to register new company, to change particulars of a company, to file documents about a company and to file annual return /accounts and updating a company information.

How to Register a Company in Tanzania - Step 6 - Select Registration of new company edited

8. Select Private Company Limited by Shares

You can register a company as foreign, private limited by guarantee, private limited by shares,public limited by shares or unlimited company. In the company type select the type eg. Private Company Limited by Shares and click Proceed.

9. Complete the form

Fill in the form. For every entry remember to click Save to avoid unexpected data loss. On the Applicant section fill in Representation statement (Secretary/Director/Agent). If applicant can update data in ORS click Can update data in ORS button. On the information about company section fill in the Accounting date and the Company name.

Fill all fields in the section Principal place of business/Registered office/Registered office in Tanzania. In the Business activity section click Add to select your business activities/objectives according to ISIC Classification. On the Directors section click Add and add at least two directors.

On the company secretary section fill in the information of the company secretary. On the Authorised Share Capital section select either ordinary or other. On the Classes of shares click Add and specify the Number of shares and Value. On the Shareholders section click Add and fill in Shareholder information.

On the Number of shares taken specify the number of shares for each shareholder by selecting the shareholder in the Select shareholder from the list and then select the class from Select class of shares from the list and then click Add shareholder to the table below button.

On the Persons who can update data in ORS section specify the person(s) who can update data in the system. If Directors/Shareholders can update data in ORS click Can update data in ORS in each Director/Shareholder information block and click Proceed.

Click private company limited by shares BRELA ORS

10. Get consolidated form

The system will generate Consolidated form. Wait for it and download it once it is ready.

Brela Consolidated form

11. Sign and date the consolidated form

Sign the downloaded form, indicate the current date and scan it.

Brela Consolidated form

12. Get the integrity form

Download the Integrity form, sign and stamp it.

Brela Integrity form pg1

13. Scan and upload the required documents

Scan and upload signed and dated Consolidated Form, Integrity Form and Memorandum & Articles of Association. Click Proceed.

Brela Integrity form pg1

14. Effect the payment

On the payment page, select Payment mode and then click Start payment. Wait for the Control number/Invoice to be generated and make payment. Click on the View or Download button to view the Payment information and instructions. Once you have made the payment your application is automatically submitted to BRELA for processing.

At this point, the application will be moved to applications page that you can open by clicking applications in the left menu. An incomplete application can be accessed by clicking the my list menu item in the left menu.

Brela ORS company registration payment order


  1. Cash (TZS 170,000 – 520,000) BRELA registration fee based on the Capital of the Proposed Company.
  2. Cash (TZS 150,000 – 500,000) for expenses to be paid to lawyers and stationeries.
  3. Laptop or desktop computer connected to working internet.
  4. NIDA number for a local person or Passport number for a foreigner

How to check status of your application?

You can retrieve your application through the Applications menu in the left menu links of the Online Registration System (ORS).

The Application will show status in the column titled “Is Finished.” The status here can be:

Yes meaning that the application is through and you can download or print certificate.

No with Process and Enter Recommendation in the “Task Name” column meaning that your application is waiting further processingby BRELA officer.

No with “Make Final Decision”in the “Task Name” column meaning that your application is in the final stages of approval by BRELA.

So you should wait for the status in the “Is Finished” column to be Yes. Then you can view and print your certificate.

If all is well this will be the end of the process of registering a company with BRELA in Tanzania.


Note that, starting a business in Tanzania involves several steps, and one of them is to register the business.

NB: If you have any registration requirements,  click here and let us handle it.

Published by Kessy Juma

Kessy Juma

Kessy Juma is the founder of Miamia Trading Company (miamiatz). He is a Techpreneur with roots in accountancy. He believes that any business is good as long as it caters to the right market using the right strategy.
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Published by Kessy Juma

Kessy Juma Kessy Juma is the founder of Miamia Trading Company (miamiatz). He is a Techpreneur with roots in accountancy. He believes that any business is good as long as it caters to the right market using the right strategy.
miamia miamia miamia miamia
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