How to start business in Tanzania? 8 Steps to start business in Tanzania.

Covering reviewing available opportunities, selecting the best, doing research and compiling some leads, etc

Hi and welcome to miamiatz! Here we cover business startup issues, business management issues and the various opportunities available in Tanzania. It’s great to have you here with me. Today we will discuss the 8 steps that I recommend someone follows in starting any business in Tanzania.

First review available business opportunities, second filter them and pick the one with highest potentials, third do market research, survey and compile potential leads, fourth prepare a lean business plan to be your guide.

Fifth choose structure and register the business, sixth inject small chunk of capital and test the idea, seventh evaluate results and finetune the idea, eighth inject more funds, scale up and grow the business.

Estimated Cost : 0 TZS

Time Needed : 30 days

Below is a detailed overview of the steps.

  1. Step 1: Review available business opportunities

    Review available business opportunities
    The first in list of steps to start business in Tanzania is to review available business opportunities. Tanzania has vast of business opportunities. The opportunities are found in the following sectors:

    A: Opportunities in the Agriculture & Livestock Sector in Tanzania

    (i) Farming of high profit crops (cash and food crops)
    Tanzania has a vast land for growing various crops. The crops with most potential of a ready market are maize, wheat, millet, sunflowers, soybeans, coffee, cocoa, tomato, citrus fruits, avocados, macadamia, cashew nuts, peanuts, potatoes, cassava, sweet potatoes,

    (ii) Trading of high margin crops (cash and food crops)
    This involves buying and selling of cash and food crops in bulk. You collect from the regions with highest harvests and sell in large market regions like Dar es Salaam. You can also do hedging of the crops whereby you buy and keep in godowns until when there is demand and price increase.

    (iii) Exporting most valuable commodities (cash and food crops)
    Exporting of crops (commodities) is a great opportunity to pursue. You can export cashews, peanuts, coffee, etc. Get in touch with us to see how we may help you get into the ground make this work.

    (iv) Raising of livestock for meat, eggs, milk and leather
    => Tanzania has a huge population of livestock.
    => Complaints about quality are boiling up.
    => So there is need of establishing livestock ranches for raising good breeds and fattening.

    (v) Trading livestock products like meat, eggs, milk and leather
    The large cities like Dar es Salaam depend much on livestock products from upcountry regions. You can buy live animals from upcountry regions and sell them live in Dar es Salaam or slaughter and sell meat. Same opportunity exist for eggs, milk, and other livestock products.

    (vi) Exporting livestock products like meat, eggs, milk and leather
    Tanzania is exporting various livestock products abroad. We have one post that details the procedure of exporting livestock products. Click here to read the full post.

    B: Opportunities in the Manufacturing Sector in Tanzania

    (i) Processing of agricultural products
    Sugar factory, grains milling factory, juice and beverages manufacturing factory, meat processing factory, dairy factory, edible and non-edible oil factory,

    (ii) Manufacturing of Industrial products
    Manufacturing of textile products, manufacturing of cement, manufacturing of ceramic products, manufacturing of electrical products,

    C: Opportunities in the Mining Sector in Tanzania

    Opportunities in the mining sector include mineral exploration, support services to the mining exploration companies, mineral extraction, mineral trading and mineral processing (jewelry).

    D: Opportunities in the Oil and Gas Sector in Tanzania

    Opportunities in the oil and gas sector include exploration of oil and gas, provision of support services to the exploration companies of oil and gas, extraction of oil and gas, trading of oil and gas, processing of oil and gas.

    E: Opportunities in the Tourism Sector in Tanzania

    Opportunities in the tourism sector include accommodation services, travel agency services, tour guiding and operation services, charter flights services, car hire services.

  2. Step 2: Filter them and pick the one that works the best

    Filter them and pick the one that works the best
    The second in list of steps to start business in Tanzania is to filter the various opportunities listed in step one and come up with the one(s) that works the best.

    The filtering process shall be based on the following factors:

    (a) Market Size

    Most of the opportunities we have listed above have a ready market. But even with this knowledge in hand, you still need to do a small research to establish the approximation of the market size.

    (b) Relationships

    Do you have relationship with stakeholders in the sector you choose? Do you have relationship with some of the potential customers? Such relationships are a good start to a successful venture.

    (c) Ability to Manage Cash Flow

    Sourcing and allocating cash is a key aspect of a business success. If the idea calls for huge cash and you are not sure of your ability to manage such huge cashflows then its better to rethink if you want to pursue such an idea.

    (d) Management Skillsets

    If the idea demands high skills and you have nothing special to bring to the table, then its not a good move to chip into such business adventure.

    (e) Passion and Persistence

    Even if there is a bit of a talent deficit, it’s possible, in some cases, to make up for that with passion and persistence. Can you find people who will get the job done?

  3. Step 3: Do market research, survey and compile potential leads

    The third in list of steps to start business in Tanzania is to do market research, survey and to compile potential leads.

  4. Step 4: Prepare a lean business plan to be your guide

    The fourth in list of steps to start business in Tanzania is to prepare a lean business plan.

  5. Step 5: Choose structure and register the business

    Choose structure and register the business
    The fifth in list of steps to start business in Tanzania is to choose ownership structure and register the business.

    Any of the following ownership structures can be used in Tanzania:

    1. Sole proprietorship (business name)

    Sole proprietorship is a registered business owned by one natural person. The business has no shares nor shareholders.

    Click here to open and read our article that provides details on how to register a sole proprietorship (business name) in Tanzania.

    2. Partnership (business name)

    3. Private company

    Under the Tanzania Laws, a private company is a company is an incorporated body of two or more natural persons with mutual vision and direction.

    Click here to open and read our article that provides details on how to register a private company in Tanzania.

  6. Step 6: Inject a small chunk of capital and test the idea

    Inject a small chunk of capital and test the idea
    The sixth in list of steps to start business in Tanzania is to inject a small chunk of capital and test the idea.

    You can not test your idea without injecting money. But don’t put in everything you have. Go with a small chunk of capital and get some insights.

    Steps to testing your business idea
    (a) Give it some time to age
    Do you still have the same idea sometimes later? Is it still burning that you need to pursue the idea? If this is the case then proceed to next step.

    If you loose interest on the idea, then it might be a sign that things will not work out well.

    (b) Build a prototype or test service
    Build some few products or try to offer service to some few people to see how does it work. Get feedback and get real world experience.

    (c) Give it to a group of criticizers
    There are people that will always criticize you no matter what. Give sample of your products to this group of people. With their curiosity to find mistakes in others, it’s more likely to uncover potential gaps that need your attention.

    (d) Tweak it to suit test market
    Listen to criticism and tweak the product to suit the desires and expectations of your test market.

    (e) Create digital platforms (web, social media)
    Create a website, social media accounts, social media profiles, social media handles and whatsapp business profiles.

    (f) Create a marketing plan and use it
    Detail the free and less expensive ways to promote and market the product in a marketing plan and implement the plan.

    (g) Adopt an experimentation mindset
    With experimentation mindset, the mind will be more willing to test and experiment without the fear of making mistakes.

    (h) Implement design thinking
    Design thinking makes more use of the cognitive, strategic and practical processes of developing new ideas and products/services. It helps innovators redefine problems and create better, more creative solutions.

  7. Step 7: Evaluate results and fine tune the business idea

    Evaluate results and fine tune the business idea
    The seventh in list of steps to start business in Tanzania is to evaluate the results of the idea testing and validation process and fine tuning the idea.

    Idea testing involves weighing the risks and returns of the prospective business. The results of the weighing need to be evaluated.

    The evaluation is done by comparing future risks and returns. Returns should be enough to compensate for the risks that you are going to take.

    In finetuning the business idea, pay attention to the following risks:

    (a) Product risk
    As a startup founder, you need to be sure what your product is, the problem(s) it solve(s), and why it’s worth investing in. You need to ensure the product addresses a big enough market, and the right opportunity within that market, at the right time.

    (b) Market risk
    You need to make sure that you know your potential customers, buying decision, the right channel to promote and distribute your product, etc.

    (c) Financial risk
    Will you be able to fund the business? What is the maximum capital that will be required and what is the maximum you can source?

    (d) Team risk
    How easy it is to get the right team? Do you expect to get the right mix of people? Do you have a mentor? Can you find a startup incubator?

    (e) Execution risk
    Will you have the required time to execute the lean business plan? Do you have other life commitments? Is your family and friends supportive in executing your plans?

    NB: Some risks you can control, and others you can’t. To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to take counsel from others on how to mitigate risks. But never allow one person to have 100 percent influence in the decision-making process. Participate, evaluate the risks and don’t be afraid to pivot.

  8. Step 8: Inject more fund, scale up and grow the business

    Inject more fund, scale up and grow the business
    The eighth in list of steps to start business in Tanzania is to inject more money, scaling up and growing the business.

    Once the idea is tested and validated, next step is injecting more fund to grow the business. We have dozens of articles that discuss various ways to manage business. Click here to read them.

    Summing up
    Tanzania has got vast of opportunities and vast of challenges. Starting a business in Tanzania might prove to be extremely challenging and bureaucratic.

    But once you are set, you will never regret. Just be sure to pick the best opportunity for your case. Be ware that an opportunity to Mr. X can be applicable or not applicable to Mr. Y. So choose carefully and seek advice accordingly.

  • Computer
  • Capital


We have, in this post covered the eight key steps one need to follow to start business in Tanzania. These steps are very crucial that if you skip any, business prosperity will be jeopardized.

Note that, startup consultancy is one of our services, among others. We started offering registration services to those who start business in Tanzania in 2015. With more than eight years of experience, Miamia remains to be the right registration agent for your business.

Registering your business at BRELA is among the services we offer. And our prices are reasonably low. So, if you have any registration requirement, click here and let us handle it.

Other services offered by Miamia, under the startup consultancy umbrella, include business planning, market researching, business scoping, etc.

For updates on business tips and insights, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Published by Kessy Juma

Kessy Juma

Kessy Juma is the founder of Miamia Trading Company (miamiatz). He is a Techpreneur with roots in accountancy. He believes that any business is good as long as it caters to the right market using the right strategy.

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Published by Kessy Juma

Kessy Juma Kessy Juma is the founder of Miamia Trading Company (miamiatz). He is a Techpreneur with roots in accountancy. He believes that any business is good as long as it caters to the right market using the right strategy.

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