Business Opportunities in Tanzania Manufacturing Sector

A: Processing of agricultural, livestock, forestry and fishery products. B: Manufacturing of construction and industrial materials.

Tanzania Manufacturing SectorTanzania manufacturing sector consists mainly of food processing (24%), textiles and clothing (10%), chemicals (8.5%), and others, including beverages, leather and leather products, paper and paper products, publishing and printing, and plastics.

Tanzania imports most of the consumer products, even toothpicks. The implication of this is that there are plenty of opportunities in the Tanzania Manufacturing Sector.

Some of the opportunities are: processing and fish, meat processing, production of vegetable oil, processing of dairy products, grain milling, manufacture of bakery products, manufacture of sugar, manufacture of beverages, manufacture of textile products, processing of leather, manufacture of furniture and other wood products, manufacture of paper products, manufacture of chemical products, manufacture of pharmaceutical products, manufacture of rubber and plastic products, manufacture of glass, manufacture of cement, manufacture of ceramic products, manufacture of iron sheets and plates, etc

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