Business Opportunities in Tanzania Education Sector

Information Communication & Technology College

College Business in Tanzania: Information, Communication & Technology College

SUMMARY: An ICT college is a college that offers courses leading to the attainment of certificates and diplomas in Information, Communication & Technology (ICT). Tanzania is experiencing rapid adoption of Information and Communication Technology, driving a growing demand for ICT colleges. Many ICT colleges in Tanzania train their students in …

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Tourism college business in Tanzania

College Business in Tanzania: Tourism College (Potentials and regulations)

SUMMARY: A tourism college is an educational institution that offers courses leading to the attainment of certificates and diplomas in tourism. The demand for such colleges is rapidly increasing in response to the fast-growing tourism sector. Tourism colleges provide education and training in various aspects of tourism, encompassing hospitality, tour …

College Business in Tanzania: Tourism College (Potentials and regulations) Read More »

Health College Tanzania

College Business in Tanzania: Health College (market, regulations and feasibility)

SUMMARY: You can start a health college, a medical college, or a medical school in Tanzania by following three steps. First, you need to prepare the requirements and mobilize resources. Second, you need to register the college, a vital process that paves the way for its legitimacy and recognition. Lastly, …

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