Block farming opportunities in Tanzania

New wave of opportunities as the government launches block farming.

Hello and welcome to miamiatz! Here we cover business startup issuesbusiness management issues and the various opportunities available in Tanzania. It’s great to have you here with me. Today we will discuss about the block farming initiative that was launched recently by the Ministry of Agriculture in Tanzania. As usual it’s me again Kessy Juma taking you through this discussion.

Tanzanian authorities on Sunday launched the cultivation of 11,453 hectares for block farming for the youth in the country’s central region of Dodoma.

Hussein Bashe, the Minister for Agriculture, the launch of the cultivation of 11,453 hectares of block farms is part of the implementation of a national agricultural program for the youth.

Bashe said the 11,453 hectares of block farms are located in Mlazo and Ndogoe villages in Chamwino district in the Dodoma region.

He said cultivation of the farms will go in tandem with the drilling of dams for irrigating the farms to be done by the National Irrigation Commission in collaboration with the Dodoma Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (DUWASA).

Bashe said experts have already tested soil in the identified block farms for the youth to establish suitable crops in the farms.

“In Dodoma, we have three block farming initiatives for Tanzania youth so this is the first one. The second is in Bahi district whereby at least 3,560 acres of land has been set aside for wheat farming and the third project is in Chamwino district which covers 8,000 acres,” he explained.

He said President Samia Suluhu Hassan has promised to officially launch the Mlazo and Ndogoe block farm project after its completion later in March, 2023.

According to Mr Bashe, the land has a general title deed. However, each young farmer will be allocated appropriate land area for cultivation with a sublease title of not less than 33 to 66 years which grant them to access credit and improve productivity, and achieve food security.

“The youth will also be provided with a range of technical services including training, inputs and extension services which will be provided through a service delivery model as part of the block farming system.

Anthony Mavunde, the Deputy Minister for Agriculture, told parliament in June the government of Tanzania has allocated 20,000 hectares of land that will be used to engage the youth in agriculture.

The pilot program is intended to reduce unemployment facing most of the youth in the East African nation, said Mavunde.

Published by Kessy Juma

Kessy Juma

Kessy Juma is the founder of Miamia Trading Company (miamiatz). He is a Techpreneur with roots in accountancy. He believes that any business is good as long it caters the right market using the right strategy.

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Published by Kessy Juma

Kessy Juma Kessy Juma is the founder of Miamia Trading Company (miamiatz). He is a Techpreneur with roots in accountancy. He believes that any business is good as long it caters the right market using the right strategy.

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